If you have a passion and desire to dance, we're here to help you pursue it and make your dreams a reality! We believe through dedication and commitment, you can be a great dancer at any age.
We have proudly ushered countless adult students through the ballet experience. We welcome you to FALL IN LOVE WITH BALLET!
Ballet Theatre San Luis Obispo has a ballet program specially designed for adults. If you have always wanted to learn ballet, danced ballet in the past, looking to supplement another art form or physical activity through ballet, or just build the strength and endurance of a dancer - these classes are for you!
Our instructors will help you develop at your own pace. From your very first pliés at the barre to body placement and technique training of all the basics of ballet, you will leave each class feeling confident that you're learning and advancing your craft.
Maybe you're thinking...
It's too late to start ballet... What could I possibly learn at this age?
I just don't have a dancer's body. I'd feel so out of place in a ballet class.
Do we have to perform on stage? If so, then forget it!
I've always dreamed of doing ballet, but I guess that was just a child's dream. What's the point now?
Do not let your inner critic win. We believe that anyone at any age who has a love for ballet can and should dance! We have proudly ushered countless adult students through the ballet experience.
We welcome you to fall in love with ballet!
See below for what our adult students are saying.
Whether you are an adult interested in taking your first class ever or your child is excited about beginning their ballet journey, we welcome all dancers to our studio!
We want to make getting started with us easy! Check out our "Ballet Basics" resources on our blog for what to expect, attire requirements, class structure, and more.
Performance is not required for students. But it is one of the opportunities we provide ALL students at Ballet Theatre San Luis Obispo!
BT-SLO's BlackBox Theatre Showcases: These performances allow students to present their hard work and artistry through rehearsed choreography. Rehearsals occur during or shortly after class and have a lower commitment requirement than our Theatre Productions. Showcases often occur alongside Dance Camps or special programs. Many adult students continue on and join our Theatre Productions in character roles or as part of our Adult Ensemble! Being a part of a professional production is a wonderful experience that we believe everyone should experience at least once. Let your instructor know that you're interested in performance and they will help direct you to the upcoming performance opportunitieS.